I’m very excited seeing a real kestrel (Turmfalke) in my neighborhood. It’s sitting about 100 m far away on a rooftop and for first – with my screen glasses on – I though it was a collared pigeon (Türkentaube), but the red was a lot to lively. So, I took a shot with my camera, which is not very good, but it has zoom.
Never imagined to see one of them here…
Fun fact, it is a fakir obviously, because he is sitting on a nailboard. That is here on the rooftops to avoid doves sitting there – but it isn’t very effective, there are enough places for them to land – my birdfeeder too, unfortunately.
I’m so glad, that this bird is so cool.
For more:
(German) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turmfalke
(English) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kestrel